Benefits of Mouth Taping For Sleep And How It Affects Your Health

Are you tired of waking up with a dry mouth, suffering from snoring, or struggling with poor sleep quality? 


These common issues can often be traced back to mouth breathing during sleep. One potential solution that has been gaining attention for all the right reasons is mouth taping, a revolutionary new practice that is changing lives for the better.


The potential benefits of mouth taping include improved nasal breathing, better sleep quality, enhanced oral health, improved facial development, reduced stress, and more.


In this article, we’ll take a closer look into the various benefits of mouth taping and how it can positively impact your overall health and well-being.


The Health Benefits of Mouth Taping

Mouth taping can have many health benefits. Let break down each benefit into more detail:


Improved Nasal Breathing


Mouth taping can significantly enhance nasal breathing leading to more effective and efficient breathing patterns that support your overall health. 


Here’s how mouth taping can support nasal breathing:


Strengthens Nasal Breathing Muscles


By consistently using mouth tape, you can strengthen the muscles involved in nasal breathing since this practice encourages the body to adapt to breathing through the nose rather than the mouth. 


As the nasal passages are utilized more frequently, the muscles surrounding them become more robust, which can lead to more efficient and effective breathing patterns. 


Over time, this can result in a significant improvement in your ability to breathe through your nose both during sleep and throughout the day, which can reduce your reliance on mouth breathing.


Encourages Proper Tongue Posture


Mouth taping promotes proper tongue posture, which is essential for maintaining an open airway during sleep. 


When your mouth is taped shut, your tongue naturally rests against the roof of your mouth, ensuring that your airway remains unobstructed. This positioning helps prevent the base of your tongue from falling back into your throat, reducing the risk of airway blockages and promoting smoother breathing. 


Proper tongue posture not only aids in effective breathing but also contributes to overall oral health by reducing the likelihood of developing malocclusions (such as overbites and underbites) or other dental issues.


Better Sleep Quality


One of the most revered benefits of mouth taping is improved sleep quality, which is backed up by both research and reviews from countless mouth tape users all over the world. Here’s how mouth taping can improve your sleep and help you to wake up feeling refreshed:


Reduces Snoring


One of the most notable benefits of mouth taping to improve sleep quality is its ability to reduce snoring. Snoring often occurs when the airway is partially obstructed, typically due to the relaxation of throat muscles. 


Mouth taping encourages nasal breathing, which helps keep the airway open and reduces the vibrations in your throat that can cause snoring. 


By maintaining an open airway, mouth taping can significantly decrease the frequency and intensity of snoring, leading to a quieter, more restful night’s sleep for both you and your partner. Yes, please!


May Support Those With Mild Sleep Apnea Symptoms


Mouth taping can also help alleviate some of the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, particularly in individuals with mild cases. 


Sleep apnea is characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep, often due to a partial collapse of some of the tissues in the airway. 


By promoting nasal breathing and keeping the airway open, mouth taping can improve oxygen flow and some individuals have even found that it reduces the frequency of their apnea episodes making it a potential alternative to CPAP machines. Learn more in our guide about other CPAP alternatives for sleep apnea.



Try Dream Recovery Mouth Tape now and transform your health.


Please note, that it’s always important to discuss using mouth tape with your doctor to determine whether mouth taping is right for you, especially if you struggle with any sleep disorders like sleep apnea.


Enhanced Oral Health


Who would’ve thought that your mouth doesn’t like mouth breathing? It’s true! When you breathe through your mouth, this can not only lead to annoying symptoms like dry mouth and throat but also poor oral health. Here’s how mouth taping can help to support your oral health:


Prevents Dry Mouth


Mouth taping helps prevent dry mouth by encouraging nasal breathing. This is because when you breathe through your mouth, the constant airflow over the mucosal membranes in your oral cavity can cause saliva to evaporate, leading to a dry mouth.


However, when you breathe through your nose, saliva production is maintained and your mouth remains at the right pH and moisture level.


A moist mouth is crucial for oral health, as it helps protect your teeth and gums from bacteria and plaque buildup. 


So, by keeping your mouth shut with mouth tape while you sleep, you can maintain a healthier oral environment and reduce the discomfort and long-term symptoms associated with dry mouth.


Reduces Risk of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease


Mouth taping can reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease by maintaining a moist, protective environment in the mouth. 


As we’ve just discussed, mouth breathers often have a drier mouth due to an increase in saliva evaporation, which can lead to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, which might cause more cavities and gum infections. 


By promoting nasal breathing and ensuring a steady flow of saliva, mouth taping helps preserve the natural defenses of your oral cavity, leading to better dental health.



Try Dream Recovery Mouth Tape now and transform your health.

Reduced Stress


Activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System


Mouth taping can help reduce stress by promoting nasal breathing, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system. 


This system is responsible for the body's rest-and-digest response, counteracting the fight-or-flight stress response triggered by the sympathetic nervous system. 


When you breathe through your nose, it stimulates the vagus nerve, which in turn activates your parasympathetic nervous system. When our parasympathetic nervous system is activated it can lead to a state of calmness and relaxation, reducing our overall stress levels and promoting a sense of well-being.


Lowers Blood Pressure


Nasal breathing, facilitated by mouth taping, can also help lower blood pressure. This is because breathing through the nose produces nitric oxide, a molecule that helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. 


This dilation reduces the resistance the heart has to pump against, thereby lowering blood pressure. Consistent nasal breathing can lead to long-term cardiovascular benefits, including reduced risk of hypertension and related health issues. 


Improved Facial Development and Appearance


The way you breathe can have a huge impact on the development of your jaw and facial aesthetics. For instance, mouth breathing, particularly in younger developmental years has been associated with having a narrower face and a higher risk of a receding chin or jaw. Here’s how mouth taping can help to support facial development:


Promotes Proper Jaw Development


Mouth taping can promote proper jaw development since nasal breathing encourages the tongue to rest against the roof of the mouth, which can help to shape the upper jaw and promote a healthy bite. 


This practice can prevent the development of malocclusions and other dental issues, leading to better oral health and facial structure.


We cover more ways in our guide on how to make your jawline wider and more defined.


Enhances Facial Symmetry and Aesthetics


Using mouth tape can also enhance facial symmetry and aesthetics by promoting proper facial muscle development. 


Nasal breathing supports the natural growth and alignment of facial structures, preventing the negative effects of mouth breathing, such as a recessed chin or elongated face. 


So, by maintaining a closed mouth during sleep thanks to the help of mouth tape, you can start to improve the balance and aesthetics of your overall face and jawline. 




Is mouth taping safe?


Yes, mouth taping is considered safe and has not been associated with injury. However, you should never use mouth tape if you cannot breathe out of your nose and it’s advised to discuss using mouth tape with your health care provider before adding it to your routine.


Does mouth taping help with bad breath?


Yes, mouth taping helps with bad breath by preventing dry mouth, which can increase the growth of bacteria that leads to bad breath and poor oral health.

How long before I see health benefits from mouth taping?


How long it takes to see benefits from mouth taping will depend on which benefit you’re focused on. You might notice improved sleep quality and reduced snoring from the first night you tape your mouth closed, whereas improvements to your facial aesthetics usually take weeks to months.


What are the side effects of mouth taping?


Mouth taping should not come with any negative side effects when using a high-quality, skin-safe tape. However, some mouth tapes might not be hypoallergenic or suitable for sensitive skin which can result in redness and irritation around your mouth after wear. 


Final Thoughts


Mouth taping provides numerous benefits, including improved nasal breathing, better sleep quality, enhanced oral health, and improved facial development and appearance. 


The simple practice of mouth taping for sleep can reduce snoring, alleviate mild sleep apnea symptoms, prevent dry mouth, and promote proper jaw development.


For maximum results and transformative health benefits, it’s essential to choose a high-quality mouth tape. Dream Recovery Mouth Tape is the superior choice, thanks to the use of luxuriously soft organic bamboo silk and an advanced hypoallergenic adhesive that is both safe for sensitive skin, yet strong enough to stay on all night long.



Try Dream Recovery Mouth Tape now and transform your health

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